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Latest revision as of 14:49, 28 July 2010

# tykwol.py
# This is a wake-on-lan magic packet sender written in python and scapy. I wrote it
# because I couldn't find any WOL tools that allows the user to specify interface
# on a multi homed box, when broadcasting the WOL magic packet. This script takes a
# mac address and an interface as arguments, and sends the magic packet out the
# specified interface to wake the machine with the specified mac. It is an extension
# of the WOL example in the Scapy documentation.
# This script requires:
# - Python - http://www.python.org/ - /usr/ports/lang/python26 on FreeBSD
# - Scapy - http://www.secdev.org/projects/scapy/ - /usr/ports/net/scapy on FreeBSD
#                                 /Tykling <tykling@gmail.com> - v1.0 december 2009

#import needed modules
import sys
from scapy.all import *

#check number of arguments
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
  sys.exit("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " em0 1234567890ab    - where em0 is the interface and 1234567890ab is the mac address to wake up.")

#set variables
ifc = sys.argv[1]
hexmac = sys.argv[2]

#remove colon from the mac
hexmac = hexmac.replace(":", "")

#remove dot from the mac (thanks cisco)
hexmac = hexmac.replace(".", "")

#remove dashes from the mac (thanks microsoft)
hexmac = hexmac.replace("-", "")

#check length of the supplied mac address
if len(hexmac) != 12:
  sys.exit("Mac address must be 12 digits - allowed seperators are colon (:) dash (-) and dot (.)!")

#decode the hex mac address to ascii
mac = hexmac.decode("hex")

#define the FF byte (the magic packet needs six FF bytes as padding in the beginning of the packet)
eff = '\xff'

#the main procedure
def main():
        #build and send the magic packet
        sendp(Ether(dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff') /IP(dst='') /UDP(dport=9) /Raw(eff*6 + mac*16),iface=ifc)
        #a little output to the user
        print "Sent magic packet to", hexmac, "on interface", ifc

#call the main procedure